About University

About College

Karilopatna Degree college is situated near the embankment of river LUNA & KARANDIA at Karilopatna in the district of Kendrapara and at a distance of 8 Km from the NH5(A) landing from Chandikhol to Paradeep.

The college was started in 1980 and registered under society Registration Act in 1981 and the initiatives taken by the local eminent personnel having interest in Education and to cater to the needs of local students are Sj.Bhagabat Prasad Mohanty, Dr. Gouranga Charan Samantray, Sj. Lokanath Das, Sj. Damador Routray, Sj. Ramesh Chandra Samantray, Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Samantray, Sj. Kedarnath Samantray, Sj. Anil Kumar Lenka, Sj. Ramesh Chandra Das, Sj.Madanmohan Samal and Sj. Bhajananada Samal.

The College got permission to open Intermediate class in Arts with subjects English, MIL(O), Political Science, History, Education, Odia, Sociology, Economics from the academic session 1983-84.

The college has Govt. Concurrence and Affiliation to Utkal University for opening of +3 Arts classes with subjects English, MIL(O), History, Political Science, Education, Economics, Philosophy, Odia and Sociology as pass subjects form the session 1988-89. The college imparted Honours Education in the subjects History and Political Science from the session 2002-03.

The Honours classes on Sociology, Odia and Economics started in the college from the session 2010-11 by seeking permission from Govt. of Odisha and affiliation of Utkal University.

The college has 192 seats in +3 Arts stream from the session 2015-16 with two additional Honours subjects English and Education. The college has got permission to open Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences in +3 Science stream with honours subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany and Zoology. There is also +3 Commerce stream with all honours from the session 2015-16.

The college got permission to open Honours classes in Philosophy in +3 streams from the session 2017-18.

The college has come under preview of University Grants Commission under 2(f) and 12B since 27/07/2006.

The institution has its excellence in academic level and has reached a new horizon. It has well furnished infrastructural facilities as well as well equipped Laboratories for  +3 Streams separately, a colorful model Botanical Garden. The college is surrounded by a green forestation which creates peaceful and hygienic environment.

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